quick and easy hairstyles for short black hair
Philip Telusi makes GREAT hair care products. To quote his web site…. Only top quality, natural plant-derived, pharmaceutical grade ingredients are mastered into the state-
of-the-art product formulas with revolutionary Micro Emulsion Technology. So no bad stuff like silicone. His products are sold online or in salons and are well worth the extra
cost. I can’t post a link to his site but if you type in his name as one word followed by dot come you’ll find it. Hope that helps.
Something natural to use for your hair is coconut oil it comes in a solid form but it melts in your hands but I use it once a week as a oil treatment on my hair. You just rub
the oil in your hands and let it melt then rub it through your hair until your hair is soaked with the oil I leave it in for about an hour while I’m doing other things I just
put my hair in a bun then wash it out in the shower and shampoo as normal and condition and your hair will be really soft and healthier !
I’d like to discover how to have more sex. My cousin has begun dating a stunning girl basically because 8 weeks ago he signed up to a website named Master Attraction (Google it
if you wish to learn how.) I’m so envious since I wish to just fall in love too. Why is it so hard? I’m going to take a look at this Jake Ayres guy’s emails to find out if it
might help someone like me. Bizarre point is, he used to have NO luck with women. How do you transform that swiftly? His lady’s like a model.
I absolutely love your hair! It is gorgeous. I have always had light hair and wished I could pull off black but don’t have the skin tone for it so I stick with a lighter red
tone &I have wavy hair which is loose curls when cut short. I am going to run out and purchase a chignon as soon as I can get out the door. This is so in right now & have tried
the new style of sock bun but find it difficult to do to myself. Perfect for a 51 yo like me & I’ll be wearing to upcoming weddings! Thank you!
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